Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Orthopedic Beds After Surgery

When we had to have our dog operated on for cancer of the spine it was traumatic. We were lost not knowing if he would survive the operation or have a longer life span. Without the surgery there was no way to tell how serious the harden lump was on his spine. The Vet could feel it and informed us that if it was cancerous and had spread that his life would only be extended for about four months. Without the surgery, he most likely had but a few days of extreme pain. We opt for the surgery and were grateful for the next four months. Four months to the date after surgery we lost our beloved pet.

One of the suggestions given to us was to purchase an orthopedic dog bed because of the relief it would give to the joints and bones during this painful time of his life. These beds are designed to conform to the contours of the body giving relief to the hips by taking the pressure off. Sleeping or resting on an orthopedic dog bed feels like being on clouds of feathers. Another benefit of the orthopedic dog bed is that our pet was able to breathe easier and be somewhat comfortable. Orthopedic pet beds also help to increase circulation which is so important after surgery.

All pet lovers that are going through the difficult decision of surgery for their beloved pet will get peace of mind when they can bring him/her home and see that he/she is resting comfortably. Going through surgery with an animal is one of the hardest and most difficult times of my life. It was extremely hard to see my dog suffer, but I have a calmness knowing that I did everything possible to make his time here as pain free as possible. I reflect back now on only the happy times. Those times when he would greet me at the door and some days I chuckle thinking back on some of the tricks he would pull.

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