Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heard of Black Friday? How About Black Fur-day?

FREE KIBBLE is a website where people can donate food to the dogs and cats in animal shelters. Today, there was an article about "Black Fur Day" and I wanted to share it with my friends. You can read the entire article HERE.

Quote from the article, "Black :Fur Day" Special Draw Lines at Animal Shelters": "The Humane Society of Central Texas reduced rates by half during their inaugural Black Friday promotion, attracting line of people on a typically slow day of the year. Another shelter, operated by the Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge, offered a second cat for free in addition to discounts on normal adoption fees. In Montana, Great Falls animal Shelter provided free adoptions when a donor agreed to cover all of the costs, such as vaccinations and licensing. Similar deal could be found in cities throughout the country, with some shelters reporting record numbers of adoptions for a single day." Posted Dec 13, 2012 by August Dombrow

What a wonderful way to help our pet who have no place to go. Remember to use caution if you are considering pet adoption to be sure that you are fully aware of all the responsibility that goes along with having an animal as part of your family.  They are very cute and lovable when they are small, but keep in mind that they will mature and lose some of the cuteness. Sometimes, the little tricks they pull when they are young become a source of irritation later on.  Be sure that you have pet proofed your home and that you have included your entire family, including other pets, with the process of adoption. If you have another pet that the new one will be living with, take it with you to the animal shelter and introduce them. It is best to find out if they will get along right from the get-go.

We should all be aware of the additional budgeting that will need to take place in order to properly take care of the new addition to our family. Include in your budget food, treats and toys, kitty litter, etc., veterinarian visits for well-ness checks, as well a home or crate.  They need to have a place that is their own where they can claim their territory and feel safe and secure.

Happy Holidays from Canine Crate Store!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

"The Blessing of the Animals"

Today, October 4,  is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi and has been set aside for “The Blessing of Animals”.  Many people will be lining up at their church with their favorite pet by their side to have it blessed by the priest.  What a wonderful feeling it is to have your furry friend blessed with good health.  There are many animals in this world of ours that do not have good health, a nice warm place to nestle down for the night or a companion who loves them and sees that they are well fed.   

Since we cannot provide for every animal the love, protection and security they deserve; we can do our best to see that the special ones we have chosen to care for are safe and secure.  Today and everyday take good care of your pet and see that he is protected from the outside forces of nature. There are many good and effective ways to keep your pet safe.  The larger pets requiring outdoor containment systems give the owner options from various sized kennels, tracking collars, to electric fence systems.  Smaller pets which are kept inside need a crate designed to accommodate their particular built.  You want to be sure that he can stand up and turn around in it with ease.   

For such an occasion as “The Blessing of Animals” where many pets will be brought together, please have the little ones in an appropriate carrier. A lightweight carrier is a necessity while standing in line and will provide the safety and security your pet deserves.  They offer protection from the weather at the same time providing plenty of ventilation and allow your pet freedom of movement without being traumatized by the other animals.  Pet Carriers can be very stylish and if made of durable quilted nylon material they will last a long time.  Look for a carrier that has top and side entry doors which make for easy loading and unloading of your pet. 

Make today a special day for your pet and give him extra love.  They deserve and have earned the right to special attention for the unconditional love and devotion they give us every day. Keep your furry friend in a kennel or crate that is clean and properly suited to his needs.  It is my prayer that your devoted companions have good health throughout the coming year. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Crates are Great Training Tools for Your Dog

We know that our dogs have been found to improve the immune system and reduce blood pressure as well as other health benefits. Canines have been trained to assist the blind, help with the rescue of trapped individuals, sniff out drugs; and work with the law enforcement to curb crime. Another idea has been presented and that is to increase your child’s language skills by reading to the family pet.

A dog crate can be a great tool in training your dog to be patient. What better way to teach your dog to sit in one place for a short period of time than in his kennel with a small child sitting near by reading him a story. Learning to read without being embarrassed about how you pronounce a word or if you miss a page makes learning exciting and fun for a child. It promotes self esteem and makes the child feel important and that he is in control. It also gives parents a break, they know where the dog is and they can hear where the child is. Putting this into practice everyday; teaches the dog patience, builds your child’s self-esteem and thus benefits the whole family.

Studies have shown that using dogs as reading partners for children will increase their language studies and improve their report card. I quote, “Dogs not only help children learn to read, they help children learn to love reading” says Michael Amini coauthor with his wife, Linda, of the children’s book, Shellie, the Magical dog ( “And that’s true for children with and without learning disabilities.”

PAWSitive Readers, a Minnesota pilot program to help children to read found that dogs helped 10 out of 14 grade-school children to increase their reading skills by one grade level. Across the coast at the University of California a study of children who read to their family dog improved their reading skills by an average of 12 percent.

Crate or kennel time can be fun for the dog and a Win-win situation for the entire family. Your dog will learn to have patience and discipline while your child steps into a world where schoolwork becomes fun. Most children like to play teacher and what better way than to have a loving companion who enjoys the sound of a calm voice telling them a story.

Dogs are excellent listeners since they are unconditional in their love and nonjudgmental; but best of all they will not laugh if and when we make a mistake. If you let it become a ritual to have the dog go to his kennel for reading time; there will be no need to shut the door as he will look forward to the one on one time.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Take Your Dog or Pet To Work

Dogs have been going to work with their masters since the beginning of time.  The sheep herder, the farmer and the dairyman have been pictured with a dog by their side.  It is not surprise that we are reverting back to ancient times and making it possible to have our canine companion along side us in the workplace.  “A 2006 survey from The American Pet Product Manufacturers Association (APPMA) reports that nearly one in five American companies allows pets in the workplace. (Melissa Hincha-Ownby”) The following ten companies have a policy in place where their employees are allowed to bring their pet to work: (see

  1. Ben & Jerry's 
  2. Google 
  3. Cliff Bar
  4. Replacements, Ltd.
  5. FrameSniper
  6. P & G Pet Care
  7. Autodesk
  8. Build-A-Bear Workshop
  9. Klutz
  10. Wonderlane 
Why they have done this is simple.  It increases that almighty bottom line!  Employees are always wanting more benefits and having their pet at work is a plus that allows them to be happier in the workplace.  Employers have recognized and known for a long time that a happy employee is more productive and has a lower absenteeism rate.  Dogs in the workplace tend to increase morale and improve relationships between co-workers creating more trust.  What better way to begin a conversation than to pet your dog behind the ears and let others notice his happily wagging tail.  Not many people can resist the loving nature and the natural antics of a dog without making a comment.  The wet touch of a bulldogs nose on your fellow employees arm is also a conversation startle.

A study conducted by Central Michigan University revealed that dogs in the workplace can lead to more trust between co-workers and likewise that leads to more collaboration among team members.  

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Heather's Canine Cooler® Dog Bed

Here's my Black Lab, Heather, enjoying a nice day on her Canine Cooler® Dog Bed.  Granted, it is on top of a picnic table on our patio, but hey, she began enjoying the extra sun it received during the winter, and now she enjoys the shade now that it is warming up.  I love these beds.  Whether you have a pet with arthritis, or other similar conditions, an aging pet, or just a happy healthy dog like Heather, I recommend one of these beds.  They are easy to use, use no electricity, are non-toxic, and will keep your pet cool during the warmer months to come.