Friday, February 4, 2011

Overweight Dogs Are a Big Concern

An article I read written by Dr. Donna Spector stated that over 60% of dogs in the United Sates are overweight or obese.  The health risks connected with being overweight include diabetes, arthritis, heart and lung disease, high blood pressure, a compromised immune function that can predispose to certain type of cancer.  Keeping your dog within an ideal body weight will help him to live 15% longer and with a better quality of life.  Obesity only shortens the life of your pet.

When your Vet suggests that you help your pet lose five pounds, it is usually pushed aside and is thought that five pounds is no big deal. Five pounds of extra baggage to a 12 pound dog is like 58 extra pounds on a 140 pound woman.  Five extra pounds on a pet that should weight around 25 pounds is like 28 extra pounds on a 140 pound woman.  Five extra pounds on a 70 pound animal is like 10 extra pounds on a 140 pound woman. Doesn't paint a very pretty picture, does it?

Overfeeding is the biggest cause of obesity.  Just like sweets add pounds on humans, most doggie treats are high in fats and should be given infrequently and in small doses.  An example given by Dr. Spector and I quote:  "A premium pig ear on average has about 230 calories.  If you give this pig ear as a treat to a 40 pound dog (who should be eating around 620 caolories each day), it is the same as a person (on a 1,200 calorie diet) eating 2 double cheeseburgers as a treat in addition to their normal meals.  This pig ear represents close to 40% of that dog's daily calorie requirement."

Keeping your dog physically active and within his suggested healthy weight means having your pet's companionship longer.  You first need to admit that you and your pet have a problem.  He doesn't just feed himself.  You can control what he eats.  Take him to the Vet for a check-up regularly and formulate a weight loss plan and then stick to it.  Your Vet can help you choose the right food and the right amount of treats that will maintain an ideal body weight for your pet.  Take him for a brisk 20 minute walk or longer every day.

If you plan on traveling with your pet; he will do much better if he is not over weight.  Excess weight is hard on them where they are contained in a dog crate for the entire flight and not allowed to get up and move about.  A crate will allow them to stand and turn around, but your dog still needs to be able to walk and stretch those muscles, so plan on a good walk or some exercise before and after the flight.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right that more and more dogs are becoming overweight and unhealthy. I order all of my dog food from because they have organic healthier brands than anywhere else.


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