Saturday, May 15, 2010

Keep Your Dog Cool With A Canine Cooler Dog Bed

New Item at Canine Crate Store!

With the warmer weather, especially the killer heat in July, our pets need to have a place that will help keep them cool and comfortable.  Canines are much more sensitive to heat than humans and keeping them cool when it is hot is a must!   Personally, I would not like to have their thick coats of fur when the sun beats down.  To help combat the heat, one of the greatest inventions is the Canine Cooler® Dog Bed. Along with helping our pets to become cool and comfortable during the hot days, these beds also are great after surgery to alleviate the pain and hasten the recovery time. 

Pets with aliments such as: old age, hip dysplasia, arthritis, and similar types of ailments, etc. benefit from the cool dog beds as the cooler temperature will reduce pain and swelling along with taking pressure off of the hips and joints. Another concern with the summer months that can take a toll on our pets is heat stroke.  The use of these fine beds, can help prevent and combat the dangers of heat stroke.  Check out the main website for more information and to see these literally cool dog beds.

1 comment:

  1. Where can I order that cooler bed? My dog really needs that bed because the heat is intense in our place.


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