Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Are Electronic Dog Fences Humane?

Just what is an electronic dog fence and what can it do for your dog? These pet containment systems give you a good solution to an old-fashioned fence bordering your personal property and yard. They either consist of a wireless transmitter, or an electronic wire which is usually buried throughout the perimeter of your home. When used with appropriate training, these products can be a great alternative to the hard work and money it takes to put in a traditional fence. There is one concern that has generally surrounded these products. Are they humane?

As you might believe, people today typically disagree about whether or not this really is an effective way to keep your pet contained inside your yard, or whether it's regarded as cruel and inhumane punishment. Let us consider the many statements and facts surrounding these types of systems.

There are two main types of electronic systems, the wireless dog fence, and the electric dog fence. For the purpose of this topic, the principle function is the same for both types. If your canine friend strays over the line it sends out a warning tone to the pet. If your pet ignores this tone, it then sends out a static correction, also known as a "shock". That is where the debate begins, and a decision you will have to make for yourself. My personal opinion is that it is not harmful to your canine, but definitely gets her attention and is very effective if properly used. I have felt the "shock" and it is no more than that static you get when sliding your feet across the floor in socks and then touching your best friend.

Some reasons to use an electronic dog fence are:
  • Living in a community or neighborhood with an association that will not allow visible fencing.
  • Not being able to afford for a traditional fence. We should realize that, a fence is normally costly.
  • Protecting your pet from definite dangers such as cars, and other animals should you meet one of the above criteria or a similar situation.
We owe it to our pets and to our neighbors to keep our animals within our property limits and not exploring the neighborhood, making a mess, and putting themselves in danger.

So, when all is said and done, there is not a cut in stone answer. It really depends on you, the individual, and what you really believe. I cannot and do not want to force people to believe that my way is the only way. If you are unsure if it is a good option for your pet, there are many alternatives available. Proper research and thought must go into deciding if one of these products will work for you and your pet, and if you must devote the time and energy into properly training your pet with it. Never just set it up, put on the collar and think it will work. The great thing is that these systems come with great training guides and many with a DVD or Video. Be sure to use it. I hope this helps with this difficult, but necessary question you may be asking yourself.


  1. "Some reasons to use an electronic dog fence are:

    * Living in a community or neighborhood with an association that will not allow visible fencing.
    * Not being able to afford for a traditional fence. We should realize that, a fence is normally costly.
    * Protecting your pet from definite dangers such as cars, and other animals should you meet one of the above criteria or a similar situation."

    Thanks for these tips!

  2. I do think Electric Dog Fences are human, as long as you just use it for training them of their boundaries. I know a lot of kids who are pinched when they do something wrong. Not to an extent to inflict lasting pain, just to remind them that's a wrong thing to do.

  3. Dogs need a safe place to play without having to be leashed or otherwise confined. Installing a typical chain-link fence with a sunken cement foundation running below the length of the fence line is the safest and most humane choice.


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