Sunday, December 16, 2012

Heard of Black Friday? How About Black Fur-day?

FREE KIBBLE is a website where people can donate food to the dogs and cats in animal shelters. Today, there was an article about "Black Fur Day" and I wanted to share it with my friends. You can read the entire article HERE.

Quote from the article, "Black :Fur Day" Special Draw Lines at Animal Shelters": "The Humane Society of Central Texas reduced rates by half during their inaugural Black Friday promotion, attracting line of people on a typically slow day of the year. Another shelter, operated by the Animal Welfare League in Chicago Ridge, offered a second cat for free in addition to discounts on normal adoption fees. In Montana, Great Falls animal Shelter provided free adoptions when a donor agreed to cover all of the costs, such as vaccinations and licensing. Similar deal could be found in cities throughout the country, with some shelters reporting record numbers of adoptions for a single day." Posted Dec 13, 2012 by August Dombrow

What a wonderful way to help our pet who have no place to go. Remember to use caution if you are considering pet adoption to be sure that you are fully aware of all the responsibility that goes along with having an animal as part of your family.  They are very cute and lovable when they are small, but keep in mind that they will mature and lose some of the cuteness. Sometimes, the little tricks they pull when they are young become a source of irritation later on.  Be sure that you have pet proofed your home and that you have included your entire family, including other pets, with the process of adoption. If you have another pet that the new one will be living with, take it with you to the animal shelter and introduce them. It is best to find out if they will get along right from the get-go.

We should all be aware of the additional budgeting that will need to take place in order to properly take care of the new addition to our family. Include in your budget food, treats and toys, kitty litter, etc., veterinarian visits for well-ness checks, as well a home or crate.  They need to have a place that is their own where they can claim their territory and feel safe and secure.

Happy Holidays from Canine Crate Store!

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