I just added a way for everyone to rate the products that I have in the store. You can also rate me and the service I give you if you are a customer. Also, if there is any information on a page that you see needs to be changed or anything that you would like added, please send some feedback. It is the best way for me to know what you are looking for, as well as the quality of the products. Quality is still my #1 goal when it comes to the dog crates, kennels and other products at Canine Crate Store. I will not delete reviews that are not positive, either about me and my service, or about a product. I do maintain approval of what comments are posted however, in order to make sure no spam or obscene comments are made. Those will be deleted. Please give me information on how I can better serve you, or how a particular product from the store is working out for you. It should provide some great information to you as well when you are deciding on a product.
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